Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Checking In

So, how is everyone doing?

I'm doing pretty good. I went to my group personal training yesterday and ran suicides, yes I ran! Today I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I tried to do the elliptical too but by that point my legs were tired so I wasn't able to do it for very long, next time I'll do the elliptical first.

On the eating front, things are good. I'm not following the eating plan to a T and I find myself feeling guilty for that. But I'm not overeating or bingeing so that is something to be positive about. That's the only downside to me following a certain plan, the perfectionist side in me feels I need to follow it to the letter when realistically, I need to make the plan my own.

Tomorrow is my next group training class, I pray I don't have to do any running.

I didn't know if anyone would want me to post some recipes here. I have a subscription to Cooking Light, I could go through and post some that sound good.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from whoever is out there. It doesn't matter if you're not doing everything perfect. This is real life, let's support each other.


Michelle said...

Good for you being so diligent in the exercise!! It's hard but it feels so good! I always have a hard time with the elliptical machine....I just cant' do it for a long time. Now I could walk forever...but omg I can only do the elliptical in small sessions. Which is better than none I guess.

Recipes would be awesome. I know I am always looking for something light and different to make! Post away...I am sure others will like that as well :)

Sandi said...

Oh yeah.. I would love recipes!

I forced myself to get my dead ass outta the house and work out tonight with my daughter. It does help my mood when I do it.

Thanks for posting TY I haven't had anything good to say..lol

Caro said...

Yummy, recipes!